Woke up at 4.00 am and after a scant breakfast of banana and cereal was picked up by a car at 4.45. John Chambers had already been picked up and we set off along the M4 to heathrow. There were 60 cases to load up onto skycap trolleys. Once at the check in desk I almost had kittens when the BA person said the maximum weight for each case was 35kg, luckily Neil Lucas persuaded them that the agreed limit was 50kg. Big relief once on the plane watched the movie Cold Mountain and fell asleep. Arriving in the Bahamas to a balmy heat was most pleasant. I was driving one of the hire cars and to my horror couldn't find the gear shift, ventually got to our accomodation, I was sharing a house with Neil, Jon and Mike. Went for a meal up the road, took ages to be served and they forgot Neils altogether!
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